Sea World Daily Life] Lee’s Busan Padi Junior Open & Open Water License: beach

#SeaWorldDiveCenter #Paddy_OpenWaterDiver and #Paddy_Junior_OpenWaterDiver_Process #BusanScuba_SeaWorld_Sea Story. I am a student who gets #JuniorOpenWater license to dive with my dad… That would be great! To have the opportunity to meet another world early on

#To enjoy the Saipan sea, #I’m with the person who gets the open water license and the last sea~ #PADI_OPENWATER_DIVER_COURSE is based on 4 sea diving. It is usually held twice a day for two days.On the second day, the 3rd and 4th dives will be conducted using #Napim class. #Practice on land before entering the sea using a compass. And then to the sea~~gogogo#Congratulations on becoming an open water diver~~#Padi #Padi #BusDiver #BusanDiver #BusanDiverShop #BusanScubaDiverShop #PadiOpenWaterDiverCourse #PadiJuniorOpenWaterDiverCourse #Busan BeachDiving #BusanSeaWorld #PadiWorldDiverCenter #PadiCertification

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